
2012 May 13

Created by lizwarty 3 years ago

Dad was the most wonderful, loving grandfather to Millie and Clara. The girls called Dad, Popsy. Popsy would make the girls homemade cards and beautiful bookmarks and always chose the most fabulous books for them as presents, just as he had done for me and Will. Reading and a love of books was obviously very important to dad, but he always made it fun. "Dog Loves Books", "I love you too, Blue Kangaroo", "The Christmas Eve Tree" were just some of the books, carefully chosen by mum and dad and they are still amongst the girls' favourite stories they want to read again and again. Dad would always print out a special message, thoughtfully designed with a photograph in the front of the book. Popsy's books were even more special because of these thoughtful touches.

As the girls grow, I find myself constantly reminded of all the wonderful things Dad did with me and Will as children. Taking us swimming and giving us piggy backs in the water; playing What's The Time Mr Wolf and the excitement of feeling so scared; watering the garden and planting seeds (Dad let me have my own patch of garden for growing my very own marigolds); walks in the woods and collecting colourful stones; going to see the swans and ducks by the bridge in Bewdley; going for ice-cream at Teddy Grays; playing tennis / cricket / badminton with us; catching tadpoles and minnows in the stream; feeling cold on Bonfire Night; watching a thunderstorm from the backdoor; snuggling up on the sofa being read to...The Hobbit, Watership Down, Winnie the Pooh, The Wind in the Willows...

I find myself trying to recreate the same experiences that I once loved for my own girls, but I know I'm falling short. Dad made being an amazing Dad seem so effortless. He made learning fun, never a chore. I never once heard him raise his voice or get angry. He was constantly calm, gentle and full of love and affection. I feel so sorry the girls won't get to enjoy Dad's constant kindness and his sense of fun a little longer. They won't get to know for themselves so we will have to explain what an intelligent, clever Popsy they had (Dad always astounded us with how much he knew...quotes from Shakespeare, history, art, music, his knowledge was incredible). And how lucky we all were to have Dad in our family.
